Want to share your talent and display your art on the walls of Stone Church?
Please send an email to [email protected]
We schedule new shows monthly and send a big thanks to all the artists who have adorned our walls this past year.
The Stone Church has a long history of promoting the visual arts, starting with Jessica Alford, the muralist who painted the iconic portraits of the beloved musicians on the outside of windows. Jessica grew up in Dover and had just graduated from Chester College of New England with her BFA when she approached the current owners (Peter, Paul, John and Chris) for work. She started with flyers but moved on to the murals. They decided upon musicians that would be easily recognizable and colorful, and Jessica drew preliminary sketches with an Art Nouveau and Gothic look to them. They wanted to represent the look of stained glass. It took Jessica about 2 years to complete the project.
Jessica Alford wishes to “thank Peter and Paul for the opportunity for being able to showcase the images on the Stone Church years back and the back bone, Fred W. Cole Sr. who taught me how to do it! She also wants to thank all the subsequent owners for keeping them up for so long. One more big thank you goes out “for the support of my family, the town of Newmarket and all the patrons for enjoying all the work! “Thank you Jessica! You’ve helped put Stone Church on the map!
In an effort to encourage Newmarket residents to go out and explore Newmarket’s conservation properties and trails, the Conservation Commission sponsored a photo contest. The entries were amazing and on display here at Stone Church through December 7th. Stop by and see them!